Mission Blog

Church Planter Spotlight – Ronnie Mills

This week’s church planter spotlight is focused on Ronnie Mills and his family. Ronnie and his wife are actively planting in Fort Worth, TX. We asked Ronnie ten questions that will let you know a little more about him.

Tell us a little about your family.

Tiffany and I have been married for 12 years, and we have four children: Kaili, Cayden, Brynlee & Ellie Jo. Our home is busy, and we love it! We enjoy trips to Dinosaur Valley, Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor and more! We believe in the importance of family and value time together. We also recognize that family is not ultimate, so we do our best to be a family on mission with Jesus!

How long have you been planting in your mission field?

We’ve been planting for 7 months.

What do you see is unique in your mission field?

I guess I would have to say that what adds to the uniqueness of our mission is that there is not a certain type of people or group here, but it is very diverse—and we love it!

What different people or groups do you see in your field?

We are in an area with a large population of all kinds of people, North Fort Worth. We’ve been blessed, because Kingdom Chapel is already becoming quite diverse. We have a variety of ethnicities, backgrounds, styles, etc. and we’re so glad!

How is your daily time with God?

Currently, Tiffany and I are doing the #redletterchallenge which is a 40-day journey. On top of that, I spend time in God’s word, and prayer in the mornings, when I return from the gym!

What do you like to do in your free time?

I really enjoy community, and hanging out, but one of my most favorite things to do is ride my motorcycle!

What is your favorite theme ride?

The Riddler at Six Flags, by far the best!

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Crete, Greece. I was there in the Navy, and loved it!

Share a challenge you are facing right now and how we can pray for you.

We’ve been challenged in the area of worship, however, we know God has the right person and team for us. Please pray that we would be patient, trust, and do whatever the Lord calls us to do.

Share a praise you are excited about that we can share with others.

We’re so excited about everything going on, but nothing excites us more then seeing our mission statement lived our right in front of us, Seeing Others Fall In Love With The Kingdom. The Lord has really gone before us, and seeing it all unfold has been such a blessing!

Please pray for Ronnie and Tiffany as they continue to plant Kingdom Chapel in Fort Worth. Pray for safety and God’s blessings upon their work.

If you would like to help support the work that they are doing, you can send your monies to:

BMA Texas Missions
P.O. Box 73
Waxahachie, TX 75168

Please designate it for “Ronnie Mills.” You can also give online at bmatexasmissions.org/give.

Church Planter Spotlight – Arnulfo Maldonado

Each week we hope to spotlight our church planters here in the state of Texas as they work to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our first church planter spotlight is our director of our Hispanic network, Arnulfo Maldonado. We asked Arnulfo ten questions that will let you know a little more about him.

Tell us a little about your family.

I am happily married to my wife Elizabeth. We have four children: David, Abner, Eliezer, and Jazer.

How long have you been planting in your mission field?

I have been planting in the Spring/Houston area for 10 years.

What do you see is unique in your mission field?

Because I am the Hispanic coordinator, I get the opportunity to lead and train new planters.

What different people or groups do you see in your field?

There are Mexicans, Central Americans, and Puerto Ricans here in my field.

How is your daily time with God?

I pray and read the Bible every morning.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to play with my children during my free time.

What is your favorite subject or sport?

My favorite sport is futbol or soccer.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

I especially enjoy the rural areas of the world.

Share a challenge you are facing right now and how we can pray for you.

I am structuring the Project 2029 where we hope to see 100 new churches in 10 years. Please pray for this endeavor.

Share a praise you are excited about that we can share with others.

I am excited that there is now a new Hispanic church planter in the Dallas, TX area.

Please pray for Arnulfo and Elizabeth as they seek to plant new Hispanic churches not only in Spring/Houston, but all across Texas. Pray for safety and God’s blessings upon their work.

If you would like to help support the work that they are doing, you can send your monies to:

BMA Texas Missions
P.O. Box 73
Waxahachie, TX 75168

Please designate it for “Arnulfo Maldonado.” You can also give online at bmatexasmissions.org/give.