A word from your Missions Office


It is an exciting season in your Texas Missions. Your missionaries reported 35 salvations last month. They are all gearing up for Easter outreach and services. They need our prayers. We just finished up another successful audit and our staff is celebrating. You have a fine staff serving you in your Texas Missions. In 2023, 91 percent of your giving went to the mission field with only 9 percent being spent on the ministry. We are proud of this fact and thankful to God that he makes it possible. We try to be good stewards of the funds you invest.
One other thing we are excited about, we got to invest in pastors, staff and their wives at the Annual Pastors Conference this month. It is a joy to give back through the BMAT Church Connections Ministry. Todd West is doing a good job of leading this ministry. Todd planned a good conference but it was evident to all that God brought the details together into an event where we met with God. We were encouraged and equipped as we glorified God on both days. You should plan to be there next February.


100 New Churches/10 years

  • That we see an aggressive multiplication movement of churches who make disciples, equip and release leaders, and start churches for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom Mission
  • That each new mission begin with a plan to begin three new churches in their first 10 years
  • That pastors and churches of the association be encouraged and equipped to start new churches
  • That we connect, evaluate, identify and train new prospective church planters


A word from your missionaries:

Isaias Martinez – Conroe Mission 

The mission advances in a general sense. New families have joined. We have six oikos groups. New converts are being discipled.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray for our family in Cuba, going through one of the most critical economic crises of these times.


Jose Gil – Proyecto Misionero “Lidia” 

We are moving forward in teaching God’s Word. People are getting familiarized with basic doctrines. Sharing meals after every meeting is a joyful time. We are sharing as a family in God. The cell in Spring attended the sixteenth anniversary of Iglesia Bautista Getsemani. This cell is becoming a powerful reference in the vicinity of disciples. 

Prayer Needs:

Pray for robust leadership, wisdom to keep harmony in the cells. Also, pray as we plan a koinonia for the two cells during spring break week, and funds that will be needed.


Jaime Henriquez– Fuente De Vida Eterna Mission in Tomball


Here at the mission we continue working to enlarge the Kingdom of the Lord by sharing the gospel and edifying the saints. We have had visitors for the first time this month and we pray that they come to salvation. A couple who is being discipled and who both accepted Jesus as their Savior is in a complicated immigration situation because they are not married, so I cannot baptize them. The church is strong and healthy.

Prayer Needs:

Pray that new visitors come to the knowledge of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Rudy Villareal– Hometown Church Mission in Helotes 


We have an event coming on St. Patrick’s Day in which we are going to have food, games and fun. We have our members praying and working towards establishing new relationships.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that we have around 30-50 people attend our event and that we have a good number returning on Easter.


Chris Driver– West Texas Multiplication Network/Texas Missionary Care 


Howdy from west Texas! Another great month has come and gone out here on the Plains. It was a busy month full of a lot of ups and downs. Our folks, including me and my family, experienced a lot of sickness and medical issues. But God continues to be faithful and we continue to move forward. I really feel like we are on the verge of a major breakthrough at the college. Please continue to pray for us there. Thank you for all you continue to do for us. It’s truly an honor to be part of the BMA of Texas family.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for a breakthrough at SPC, upcoming events and that the Lord will provide a church van and a storage building as our children’s ministry continues to explode.


Jaime Henriquez– Fuente De Vida Eterna Mission in Tomball


We continue to advance in the work that God has placed in our hands—evangelizing, discipling and serving. This month we gave two evangelism presentations and two are being discipled. Five cells meet in homes every Wednesday. The youth have their weekly meeting on Fridays while we adults learn about stewardship. This month’s Sunday services challenged us to be better in our priorities, in our relationships and in our testimony.

Prayer Needs:

Pray that God opens doors for us so that hearts are receptive to the message of the gospel.



Haitao He– Free Salvation Bible Mission in Corpus Christi 


This month we have members who are facing some career changes and we pray the best for them. At the same time, we also pray for God to add to our number as some of our members with new jobs are moving on and relocating to another city. We are getting a deeper understanding that we are the branches and Christ is the Vine and that remaining in Him we have peace for life changes.  

Prayer Needs:

Pray that our new series of Bible studies in the Gospel of John would be a good spiritual formation for us.


Omar Pina, Sr.– Missions in Waxahachie/Dallas

Dual support with BMA of America


Our main struggle is to have people fully committed to the Lord and His work regardless of the time and efforts we made in equipping them.


Chris Mindi– Anchor Austin Mission in Leander    


Our mission is healthy. The church is doing well. We are slowly, steadily and simultaneously developing leaders. Even though it is not the only metric by which we measure the health of the church, it shows the commitment from the individual, when they own the vision and mission of the church, to start investing through their talents and treasure. God is the only one who is convicting each and every person with Anchor, Austin to be committed to seeing the big picture of what God is doing through this local church in making disciples who make disciples. As a leader who is leading this, it is a great encouragement to see the transformation of Christians wanting to be disciples and be on the mission.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for the launch on March 31, as we are getting ready for our Sunday worship services. Pray for gifted individuals to lead the congregation in worship through singing. Pray for us as leaders to lead the congregation with discernment, faithfully unto the Lord.


Robert Lee– Harmony Baptist Church in Normangee Replant


This month has been a busy one for me. I have been working toward furthering my career as a bivocational pastor. That has consumed a lot of time over the past couple of months, but I am looking forward to once again having more time to devote to the work of ministry. We have been excited to see new members bringing others to hear the gospel, and are excited about an outreach event we are planning for later this month!

Prayer Needs:

Pray for our planned outreach event to build connections with new families in our community.


Tim Alba– The Bridge Mission in Seagoville 


So far we are right on task with our expectations this year. We had a huge blessing this year with an investor who gave a lump sum to our church. The amount was to cover rent for a whole year. We did not see this relationship coming, but God did. We are hoping to maintain that relationship through the year and see how things develop over time. We know that last year was a little rough in the tithe department and yet God showed up to pull the resources we did not have. We are hoping to one day do the same for others who are planting churches and be a blessing to people who may need assistance as well. We are more than humbled, and we know God will continue to do miracles as long as we are faithful.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for our leaders and that God continues to give us wisdom and open doors.


Kyle Cheatham– Grace Church Jarrell Mission  


On Feb. 10, about 10 women of our church invested a few hours of a Saturday by visiting almost 60 local businesses that morning. They took them a bag of donut holes along with a nicely prepared bag of chocolates, church info and gospel tracts. Many of the ladies were able to pray with those with whom they left the treats.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that God will lead us in equipping more men to serve in the role of elder.