A word from your Missions Office


We are excited to see three new missionaries engaging their God given assignments of making Disciples within their community.

Kevin Williams has moved into Port Arthur with the help of Bethel Baptist Church.  He has started work with the school there assisting Spanish speakers.  Kevin is burdened to make disciples there in Port Arthur.  He, Amber his wife, and their children moved to the community from Mena Arkansas

Marvin Marina is a Venuezalan Immigrant who received Jesus and was discipled by Missionary Omar Pena in Plano.  Marvin and his wife Odalys are passionate disciple-makers.  Marvin has grown as a leader and surrendered to ministry.  He has taken over the young mission in Plano among immigrants.

Samuel Arellano is making disciples in New London.  He lives in Henderson and owns and operates a tire business there.  The business is his opportunity to share the gospel all day long.  Liberty Baptist Church in Henderson is the sending church for this new work.  Brother Thomas Monroe, pastor of Liberty, and Samuel are long-time friends and colaborers.  

Will you join me in prayer and support for your new missionaries!


100 New Churches/10 years

  • That we see an aggressive multiplication movement of churches who make disciples, equip and release leaders, and start churches for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom Mission
  • That each new mission begin with a plan to begin three new churches in their first 10 years
  • That pastors and churches of the association be encouraged and equipped to start new churches
  • That we connect, evaluate, identify and train new prospective church planters


A word from your missionaries:

Chris Mindi– Anchor Austin Mission in Leander  



Thank you for praying and supporting us in this God-sized vision and mission. We as Anchor Austin are doing well. Spiritually, our people are maturing in their understanding and faith in God. Continue to pray for healthy marriages and prioritizing God in all of our lives here in central Texas area. We have been able to see God work in one individual’s (VJ) life at Anchor Austin, a cultural Christian, brought up in a very nominal legalistic way of practicing Christianity from childhood. From the day that he started coming to our small group and community events and game nights, he started to know us and experience the genuine love in the church. We are seeing him be open to being baptized. Continue to pray for this gentleman. That he puts his faith truly on Christ and submit to him and be baptized soon.

Wonderful month at Anchor Austin Church. Every year we have a retreat, whole church we go away for the weekend. spend time as a community and be refreshed and renewed in our spirit to be effective disciples. this year, it was really powerful. Our theme was, ABIDE IN JESUS, focusing on John 15:4 and emphasis on Silence & Solitude in worshiping Our Lord in practicing these disciplines. blessed time to have church keep all the gadgets aside and BE in silence and worshiping him. . please continue to pray for Anchor Austin as we focus on slowing down and growing spiritually in God.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray for the one (VJ) individual that is on a journey to putting his faith truly in Christ.

2. Pray for healthy marriages

3. Pray for Leadership in leading our people well.

4. Pray for a new start of our prayer team.

5. Pray for this upcoming fall season, as we are plan more outreach events.


Isaias Martinez – Conroe Mission 


Our church is going normally. We continue in discipleship and ward meetings (OIKOS). The sisters held their Women’s Retreat together with the American sisters.

Prayer Needs:

Your prayers that we may have a place of our own in the future.


Haitao He– Free Salvation Bible Mission in Corpus Christi 


This month we had several new friends come to our prayer fellowship and one of them had gone through a long journey of her career struggle to get to this point. The long time period of applying and not matching and the ups and downs and in-betweens finally got her to decide it was going to be her last attempt to apply for this position. If things did happen then she was going to choose another path and forfeit her efforts over a decade. I was touched to see how much people can bear when they have hope in their hearts to keep putting in countless efforts year after year. I appreciated God put the hope for the Gospel into my heart to keep me going and gave me this opportunity to hear of a story of long perseverance.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that we will have more chances to serve our new friends coming to our prayer fellowship this month


Jose Gil – Proyecto Misionero “Lidia” 


The mission is going slowly and consistently on. One of the brothers who was certified in the “Taller de Multiplicación” may start a new cell in the house of his brother soon. That would be the 4th cell in our ministry. We are grateful.

Prayer Needs:

First at all, thanks to BMA for the support to fix my car. Please keep praying for me and my wife to keep the faith. Besides, please pray that my new book is well received and God’s name is glorified.


Jaime Garcia– Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida Mission in Gilmer


The young people are practicing praises with musical instruments, they have already learned two, they sang them in the service and it was very nice to listen to them. Thanks also to our brother teacher: José Rodríguez. in Tayler who has his time and talent to bless the Youth group of the Antioquia Church.

Prayer Needs:Let us pray for the Gladewater group and for our brother John, that his spouse will also get involved and be a blessing to the Souls of that small town.


Rudy Villareal– Hometown Church Mission in Helotes 


We are developing a dedicated core that are excited to evangelize. Pray that the Lord will open doors and hearts as we share the Gospel with our neighbors.



Marvin Mirena– Mission Fully Restoring Hearts


We have been praying, and sharing with people. My house always has people looking for a word, a prayer, we have advanced in terms of discipleship, and we have faced economic situations, but God has provided, we had baptisms, three people went down to the waters.

Prayer Needs:

For my family, the brothers of the congregation, my country Venezuela


Kyle Cheatham– Grace Church Jarrell Mission  


Praise God with us for the salvation of a woman coming out of Catholicism and another woman coming out of Mormonism. We’ve invested in each of these women for about a year and it has been wonderful to watch the Father draw them to faith in Jesus. Also, praise God for the salvation of a young couple that have been with us for about six weeks. Three of these plan to be baptized in August.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for us as we partner some of our members with new believers. This will help these new believers grow and help our members take some steps into disciple-making.


Jose Torres– Tyler Hispanic Mission  


Personally, I would like to see more numerical growth, but I see how God is manifesting Himself by creating a good atmosphere of fellowship among those of us who are part of the plantation. Little by little I see how the church’s vision of being what we need to be is being grasped and seeing how God adds to our group. People invite friends to their homes so that my spouse and I can minister to them. In the month of July we were invited by Jovita and Joseph to their home so that we could meet with a family to whom we ministered months ago when the spouse of a woman we have been discipling was murdered. The family wanted to see us and we were able to see how the Lord has helped them in the midst of this tragedy. The whole family thought they were atheists but little by little they are realizing that they do believe in God. Now we pray that they will soon receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. We also see more and more how despite not having a musical group, which I think would be excellent to have, we manage to have a worship service that glorifies the Lord because we are there people who meet for that specific purpose on Sundays. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every first Sunday of the month and that has been a wonderful thing too. Now that the Sunday service is emphasized a little more because we do have the struggle with attending our groups at home but we continue to insist that it is there where we can grow more in the Lord. We insist and we do not give up on it because that will be what will keep us focused on the mission and vision.

Prayer Needs:

I ask for your prayers that the Lord will help us form a music ministry.


Tim Alba– The Bridge Mission in Seagoville 


We had multiple salvations in the past month. We have had multiple people engaged in ministries as well. It’s been exciting to see how God has used us this summer. We have our people engaged and serving in areas as we continue to push our members to get involved as much as possible. We have also seen whole families get saved this summer and our evangelism was fruitful through the month of July. The only problem we have is that we need a building. We run 30 to 40 on Sundays during our slow months and 50-60 when we are busy. I get the same question by members and visitors, when will I have a building? Truthfully I have no idea. With people not giving as much as they should and with the economy, I am not sure. This plant has much fruit and would explode into something bigger if I had the facilities. Just pray that God opens Doors. Thank you.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that God opens doors for a building. Thank you.


Chris Driver– West Texas Multiplication Network/Texas Missionary Care 


Howdy from West Texas! I can’t believe it but summer is almost over (calendar season not the heat!! lol). It has truly been an absolutely AMAZING summer of seeing God work and move and do things I couldn’t have possibly imagined! Our people continue to grow in their faith and God continues to bring new faces and new opportunities to minister and serve. We are especially excited about the new relationships we have developed with college students this summer that I am praying will finally open the doors to the college ministry I have prayed for and dreamt about! Please Please Please join us in prayer for the college ministry this fall! As always, thank you so much for all you do for us as missionaries and for the opportunity to serve our great and mighty God here in West Texas! It is such an honor to be part of the BMAT Missions team and one of your BMAT missionaries!

Prayer Needs:

An SPC college ministry this fall

A Church van

A new work in Sundown to develop

Jamie’s new job in Sundown

Open doors for the gospel


Brad Holcomb– Redemption Hill Ft. Worth  


Reiterate VBS! It really energized our church regarding missions. Over 65 kids and several non-Christian neighbors are getting plugged into the church.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that the Preach Christ conference we are hosting is helpful for those who attend and in turn helpful for congregations who sit under our preaching.


Kevin Williams– Port Arthur Mission  


We have only been in Port Arthur for about a month and God has already allowed us to get to know a family here that we have been able to get to know and minister to in a time of great need. Isabel and Salvador have three boys, the youngest of them only a month old. Baby Rodrigo was born with Trisomy which is a genetic disorder that has caused some serious issues in his development. Soon after his birth, Rodrigo’s parents were given the terrible news that the prognosis was that their little baby boy would probably not live longer than a year. On top of this unimaginable situation that they are facing, they are also in the midst of financial struggles that came from them having to be away from work while they were in the hospital with their son.

We have been able to minister to their needs and build a relationship with this sweet family. In fact, due to the generosity of a BMA church that supports us, we were able to cover their rent and get them caught up. While we don’t know what lies ahead for them and little Rodrigo, God’s grace and favor have been evident in this little one’s life already. Last week, the hospice team made the decision to take him off his breathing machine feeling that he was ready to pass. However, God sustained him, and he is still here! Our prayer is that God would show His immeasurable power in Rodrigo’s life and that He would move in this family in a miraculous way! Would you join us in praying for this family and specifically for little Rodrigo?

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that God would keep us humble and sensitive to His leading.