This week’s church planter spotlight is focused on Jaime Garcia and his family. Jaime and his wife are actively planting Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida in Mesquite, TX and Gilmer, TX. We asked Jaime ten questions that will let you know a little more about him.

Tell us a little about your family.

My family is small and beautiful, with a missionary heart willing to carry the Name of Jesus to the families of each place, always wishing that people hear about God.

How long have you been planting in your mission field?

Approximately 11 months in Gilmer TX and traveling to Mesquite approximately 2 years serving in home Bible studies with evangelization house to house.

What do you see is unique in your mission field?

Much need of the Gospel, families that are idolatrous and badly indoctrinated.

What different people or groups do you see in your field?

Hispanic people from different countries and different cultures.

How is your daily time with God?

I try to have a very intimate and quality time with Him. For me it is very essential because it is through intimacy with Him, that you get answers and the firmness to continue.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Fishing and playing futbol with my son Isaac.

What is your favorite subject?

The promises of God.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

My favorite place is Cancun, Mexico.

Share a challenge you are facing right now and how we can pray for you.

I believe that the minister of the Gospel always has different challenges and more when he is in the mission field. One of them would be the administration of my time. I want to serve full time and it is a challenge that I know that with the help of God I will achieve it.

Share a praise you are excited about that we can share with others.

The tears of a repentant sinner. That breaks my heart and gives me enough reasons to continue doing the missionary work.

Please pray for Jaime and Gloria as they continue to plant in Gilmer and Mesquite. Pray for safety and God’s blessings upon their work.

If you would like to help support the work that they are doing, you can send your monies to:

BMA Texas Missions
P.O. Box 73
Waxahachie, TX 75168

Please designate it for “Jaime Garcia.” You can also give online at