This week’s church planter spotlight is focused on Neptaly Molina. Neptaly is the lead planter at Iglesia Bautista Mission in Nacogdoches, TX. We asked him ten questions that will let you know a little more about him.

Tell us a little about your family.

My name is Neptaly Molina and I was born in the State of Falcón in Venezuela. I met Manuela Perdomo and we married on August 18, 1989, in the City of Maracaibo, Venezuela. We have two children: Marianne Naarai Molina Perdomo who departed to heaven in 2014, and Neptaly Josué. We come to this great country in July of 2016.

How long have you been planting in your mission field?

We have been serving in the city of Nacogdoches, Texas since 2017 planting a new work by the grace of God according to his will. Prior to this, I planted and pastored several churches in my native Venezuela.

What do you see is unique about your mission field?

The city of Nacogdoches has a good Hispanic population, roughly 100 families that constitutes a fertile ground for a mission field. I am forming a new mission in this place with a group of 25 people including young people and children mostly through personal evangelism through prior appointment at home and informed visits.

What people or distinct groups do you see in your field?

My focus is with the Hispanic families. This is the priority for me, but I am open to the Spirit. If he directs me and indicates that another culture must be gained, then God will give me the training to also influence another culture. I do not close myself to performing multicultural work.

What does your daily time with God look like?

My time with God is a priority. During my quiet time with God, I have learned more through my walk with God. In this important time, I dedicate it in prayer, in studying the Bible, meditating on it, listening to God, to show me his will, where he is working to join him, and let him work through me. My success depends on that delightful time in his presence as he says in Matthew 6:6. I also use this time to share with my family, something we call the family altar. We sing songs, hymns, read and practice as a group what we read of the word. This is important and of value to me. Without this devotional time with God, missions would be a failure.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I like to share with my family, visit parks or places of distraction, read books, and study English. I have challenged myself that, after finishing my associate in divinities, I will study that new language for me. I also enjoy studying, make sermons, and making studies among others.

What is your favorite subject?

I have several which are: How can I please God all the time? What is heaven like? How to achieve wisdom? How can I be a blessing to other people?

Where is your favorite place in the world?

My favorite places in the world are Israel, Venezuela, and the United States.

Share one challenge you are facing right now and how we can pray for you.

The main things I would like prayer for are: to win more Hispanic families for the Church that we are carrying out; for the leadership I am preparing to get involved in evangelism and missionary work; for my documents (Work Permit and Social Security) that immigration grants us that with the help of God; for my theological studies in the BMA Seminary in Jacksonville; for my family in Venezuela and the spiritual, political, and economic situation there that God would take out that communist regime that rules there and transform the government and opposition; for peace in the hearts of all the people of the world; and to see this country (USA) surrendered at the feet of Christ adoring him.

Share one praise you are excited about that we can share with others.

I have great expectations in the work that God will do through the members who attend the mission in Nacogdoches. I love the work I do, when I can be a blessing to others, when I speak to the people of God, and when I can help them or be useful and serve in this country in some way. I am excited to be able to do something great for God.

Please pray for Neptaly and Manuela as they continue their church planting efforts in Nacogdoches. Pray for safety and God’s blessings upon their work.

If you would like to help support the work that they are doing, you can send your monies to:

BMA Texas Missions
P.O. Box 73
Waxahachie, TX 75168

Please designate it for “Neptaly Molina.” You can also give online at