A word from your Missions Office


I am writing this article right after experiencing the eclipse beside each of you. Wow! What an experience! We were among a thousand-plus people watching it. Across the full eclipse, there was silence. Everyone was staring at the sky as one. This ended with a sudden burst of light and with shouting and clapping. It was a moment of awe that led me to worship.

My mind rushed to another moment that I anticipate and watch for beside each of you.  I long for the return of Christ. It is coming and we must be busy about His mission. Jesus ended His Commission with, “I am with you always, even till the end of the age.” We must be busy.  Your missionaries are busy sharing Jesus and making disciples. Last month, they reported 35 people who received the gift of salvation!


100 New Churches/10 years

  • That we see an aggressive multiplication movement of churches who make disciples, equip and release leaders, and start churches for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom Mission
  • That each new mission begin with a plan to begin three new churches in their first 10 years
  • That pastors and churches of the association be encouraged and equipped to start new churches
  • That we connect, evaluate, identify and train new prospective church planters


A word from your missionaries:

Jaime Garcia– Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida Mission in Gilmer


Senayda is a sister of the church and was previously Catholic. She has decided to accept Jesus and is one of the people who will be baptized. She gave her testimony of how she suffers criticism from her family but is firm in her faith in Christ. We are praying for her and her family so that everyone knows the truth and we hope that it is through the means that God uses.

Prayer Needs:

We are experiencing church growth and we need more workers. I am very zealous about our doctrine and prefer to take things slowly, but sometimes I am the one who has to do a lot of things. I want to start youth leadership and also a ladies’ group. Please help me pray for these needs. Thank you!


Jose Gil – Proyecto Misionero “Lidia” 

With the BMA’s support, we had one fellowship time in the two cells. It was a blessing for the members and an opportunity to invite neighbors. As a result, one young couple joined the cell in Spring and one family opened his house in The Woodlands.

Prayer Needs:

  1. That the young couple in Spring accept Jesus to start the discipleship.
  2. That the family in The Woodlands interested in opening a new cell in their home will be blessed.


Haitao He– Free Salvation Bible Mission in Corpus Christi 


One lady who came to our meeting many times before, recently had some setbacks with her IVF treatment. This is a difficult time and faith challenge for her and also for people who are new to the faith. Suffering is indeed a part of our lives and we need a strong affirmation of God’s love. “…but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:13-14). We are praying for her and providing what we can to support her emotionally. We are also learning to depend on God’s promise to face all bad news.


Shane Carter– Lamesa Mission


I am heartbroken to report that we have lost some of the people that have been meeting with us to churches around us. We are growing nearer to the Lord with who is coming and we feel God at work in all of this.


Omar Pina, Sr.– Missions in Waxahachie/Dallas

Dual support with BMA of America


We had to move the new church in Plano to a different location and we had a greater attendance even though we had the concern of losing some people.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that we will have opportunities to train more leaders and partners to financially support our church planting projects.


Brad Cauley– Cedar Park Mission


We had our first baptism connected to Redemption’s Table Church. On Good Friday, our friend Brandon celebrated his old life being put in the grave and His new life raised with Christ. What a joy to see people pass from death to life!

Prayer Needs:

Please pray for our move to Cedar Park which we hope will be in the next two months. The Lord may be opening a door for us in a special way. Please pray for His confirmation and blessing. Please continue to pray for leaders and for our community that relationships with unbelievers will continue to be nurtured and developed toward faith in Christ.



Aderemi Badru- Light House Mission in Houston 


Praise God! We are making progress in training leaders as we eagerly look forward to our launch. Nevertheless, we are praying that God will raise for us help and resources to be able to rent a new space for worship and children’s church. The hotel we are using is not convenient for us and the place we found requires us to find pay at least one year. We are grateful for the support of the BMA churches and are trusting that you can support us in moving into a new space.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray for us that God will send us help and resources to be able to rent a new space for the use of the church.


Robert Lee– Harmony Baptist Church in Normangee Replant


This month has been great for our church. At the end of the month, we hosted a movie night for Good Friday for families with children. This was our first family movie night and I believe it was a success. We also had fun celebrating the resurrection of Christ as a church family that Sunday. I am looking forward to planning more things for our community in the months ahead to reach young families.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for us as the next couple of months are very busy months in our community.


Ciro Gonzalez– Rice Hispanic Mission 


March 23 was a great advance as we mobilized 26 missionaries to the city of Rice. All focused on supporting the work and evangelizing from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., it was a unique moment with an evangelistic focus on everything. We had training, food delivery, mass evangelism, fellowship, personal evangelism and enjoyment for children and families. We reached 13 people for Christ, three who would like us to visit them. More than 20 people requested prayer, and more than 60 people heard gospel. May God get the glory from it! We have announced His Word and we will continue to do so, but we are very clear that growth is given by God.

 Prayer Needs:

Pray for the new converts, pray for those who are being discipled, and pray for me.


Chris Driver– West Texas Multiplication Network/Texas Missionary Care 


Howdy from west Texas! It was another wonderful month out here on the South Plains that ended with an amazing Easter week. We had nearly 50 for our Good Friday communion service. It was a beautiful night focused on remembering our Passover Lamb. We are gearing up for a big June full of camp and hosting a mission team from O’Quinn, Pollok. We are so excited about what God continues to do. Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.

Prayer Needs:

A church van, open doors for the gospel and relationship connections at SPC and our surrounding communities


Jaime Henriquez– Fuente De Vida Eterna Mission in Tomball


Blessings to all who make up the BMA of Texas family of churches. We always give thanks for your prayers and financial support. Here in our mission, everything moves forward with a firm and constant step. We are focused on evangelism, discipling converts, teaching them and building up the Lord’s church. This month, we had pecial Good Friday services with drama, specials and an evangelistic message. On Easter Sunday we also took the opportunity to bring the message of Jesus to people. We had a profession of faith from a young woman named Luz Mila who was searching for meaning in her life and had begun to get involved in the religion of Islam.We dedicated a baby, provided discipleship and had training for Sunday school teachers and leadership.

Prayer Needs:

For the lost, may your hearts be opened to be recipients of the precious gospel.


Jose Torres– Tyler Hispanic Mission  


The long-awaited launch day has finally arrived. Although we did not obtain the desired result, I know that God is guiding this plantation. Everything is well organized and ready so that when the Lord adds people, they can connect to the work that God is doing with this small group of disciples willing to serve the Lord faithfully.

Prayer Needs:

I ask for prayers for my family that we always work for the Lord with devotion and never as an obligation.


Isaias Martinez – Conroe Mission 


Prayer Needs:

Please pray that in the future we will have a place of our own.


Kyle Cheatham– Grace Church Jarrell Mission  


We had a mini-VBS centered around “Elements of the Gospel” that had several kiddos and lots of volunteers. It went really well. One Sunday, we brought in Chris Driver to lead our church in Oikos training so that we would become more evangelistically intentional in our relationships. He did an outstanding job inspiring our people biblically to really see the field that God has given us and we are taking action. We gathered on the Thursday before Easter for a Christ-centered Seder led by our worship leaders. It was fantastic as 70 of us were led to worship in this unique, historic way. We had a wonderful Easter service with 126 present!

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that God provides a larger worship space in Jarrell for us, along with faith, wisdom and stewardship for it. There are so many people moving here who need Jesus.