A word from your missions office
Your Texas Missions just came through our annual audits. They reveal several exciting truths.
- You are providing more missionary care than ever before. You are also financially caring for more missionaries than ever before. God continues to bless and grow the BMA of Texas through Texas Missions.
- You are faithful and generous to missionaries. You faithfully provide for the salaries and care of your missionaries by giving to the general fund of your Texas Missions. Their salaries continue to be provided from general fund giving. You also give generously to the work of each mission through designated resource funds.
- God continues to bless and provide for the stewardship of your Texas Missions. This year 91 percent of your giving went to missionary care and only 9 percent to general and administrative expenses. This is a very good percentage for a non-profit.
- God continues to provide for church planting by churches leaving property as an investment in disciple making through new churches.
We are thankful for you and grateful to serve you, BMA of Texas Family.
100 New Churches/10 years
- That we see an aggressive multiplication movement of churches who make disciples, equip and release leaders, and start churches for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom Mission
- That each new mission begin with a plan to begin three new churches in their first 10 years
- That pastors and churches of the association be encouraged and equipped to start new churches
- That we connect, evaluate, identify and train new prospective church planters
A word from your missionaries
Isaias Martinez – Conroe Mission
Many thanks to the churches of the BMA for having us as part of this great family and for preparing us in the multiplication workshops to be more effective in our work.Prayer Needs: Pray for four men who have accepted Christ and are in discipleship.
Timothy Alba – The Bridge in Seagoville
This month has been crazy. I know God is at work when you see God turn two proud souls to Himself. We saw two gentlemen come to Christ this month. They were both a miracle. A husband and a long term addict changed their lives over the past week. It is amazing when you see God do amazing things.
Prayer Needs:
Pray that God fulfills the plans we have this year. If not our plan, then His plan that will bring growth to our people and leaders. God bless!!!
Peter Oyeniran – Planting in Mission Bend
Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever more.
Prayer Needs: Lord Jesus, pour out your Spirit on all flesh for the salvation of souls.
Cesar Leal – New Mission in San Antonio
Although we have many expectations for the new year, I believe that God will do great things in each of us and the ministry He has placed in our hands. It is an opportunity to make known the great and powerful God Who is full of love and mercy. His purpose will be fulfilled in those who seek Him from the heart.
Prayer Needs: I continue to ask for prayer for my children and grandchildren in this process of entering this country.
Jaime Henriquez – Fuente De Vida Eterna Mission, Houston
Greetings to all the churches of the BMA of Texas. Thank you for your prayers and support towards this church. The state of our church is strong. We continue to strive to magnify the Kingdom of God everywhere and take the opportunity the Lord gives us to share the good news with the lost. Our 5 cell groups are strong and are being equipped to witness, win souls and be discipled.
Prayer Needs: May God open doors for us so that the gospel may be received into fruitful hearts.
Chris Driver – West Texas Multiplication Network/Texas Missionary Care
Howdy from West Texas! We started this journey with a heart to reach the lost and those far from God. As I looked out at the 27 people gathered to worship a few weeks ago, almost all of them had been out of church or had never been to church at all before being invited into our fellowship by someone from Oasis. To add to the excitement, among the few that had been in church before were my friend, Shane, and his wife, Davina. They had traveled in from a neighboring town of Lamesa. Why? We are working with them to plant Safe Harbor Fellowship in Lamesa. Thank you for supporting us as we follow Christ into the lives of the people of Levelland and west Texas! God is moving and I stand amazed!
Prayer Needs:
Shane and Davina Carter in Lamesa
Connection with SPC
Open doors for the gospel
Leadership development
New groups forming
Fidel Torres – Planting in Denton
God continues to bless us and God has granted us one more person for His Kingdom. We already feel more adapted to this great city.
Jose Torres – Tyler Hispanic Mission
We are so happy to have had yet another baptism this month and are very thankful to Pine Brook, Tyler for loving on us by celebrating with us this very special moment and allowing us to use their facilities for the baptism and fellowship afterwards.
Prayer Needs:
Please continue to pray for those in our groups who have not been baptized. We have a handful who need to be baptized.
Rudy Villareal – Hometown Church in San Antonio
We are so grateful to you as you partner with us to share the gospel with our community. Real discipleship is going on in our midst. We started a Bible study for the military community this last month and we met a gentleman named Maxwell. He said after our Bible study that he felt challenged to evaluate his life and follow Jesus’ call to make disciples. Micah who is a linguist for the Air Force is already attempting to make real attempts to disciple others. In our Thursday morning coffee shop time, we had an opportunity to share the gospel with a group of ladies who one was curious about the topic of “Atonement,” that I had mentioned. I explained the doctrine of substitutionary atonement and how we can be secure in our salvation, because we have a great Savior who secured our salvation at the cross and is our risen Lord. She was excited about hearing this and so were the other ladies, but the other huge moment for us was that the group got to see me model evangelism in real time. This is real discipleship, it is not just having a Bible study or an accountability partner, but seeing someone model sharing the Gospel and minister to others. This is what Jesus did, and our prayer is to make disciples according to the way of Christ. Thank You for your faithfulness!
Ronnie Mills – Kingdom Chapel Mission, Saginaw/North Fort Worth
Brothers and sisters of the BMA, we continue to advance the Kingdom here in Saginaw. We are so thankful for all of your love and support for us here.
Prayer Needs:
Please continue to pray for us as we faithfully walk out what the Lord has called us to. We need your love in this way.
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