A word from your Missions Office


Your BMA of Texas Missions held their annual missionary retreat for the missionaries and their families June 16-19, 2024.  Over 100 gathered this year in San Marcos. It was an encouraging three days for your missionaries along with their wives and children. This is the only time missionary children are together in our schedule.

This year, we celebrated Fuente de Vida Eterna Church in Tomball with Pastor Jaime Henriquez. This church has just come off of mission support. They have purchased a building in Tomball that formerly housed Carrell Street Baptist Church. Bro. Jaime shared an encouraging message and the testimony of the church with the other missionary families.  

We had times of singing, encouragement from the Word, prayer, sharing and challenge.  There was a lot of fellowship! Thank you for supporting your Texas missionaries like you do.  Also, thank you First, Blooming Grove College Ministry for providing children’s ministry for the retreat. Here are some pictures:


100 New Churches/10 years

  • That we see an aggressive multiplication movement of churches who make disciples, equip and release leaders, and start churches for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom Mission
  • That each new mission begin with a plan to begin three new churches in their first 10 years
  • That pastors and churches of the association be encouraged and equipped to start new churches
  • That we connect, evaluate, identify and train new prospective church planters


A word from your missionaries:

Jaime Garcia– Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida Mission in Gilmer


It was a very active month for everyone in the church. We had Vacation Bible School. Although we are few, we are well organized. I am very happy to have the support of my brothers. I believe that without their collaboration this and other activities would not be possible. I thank the churches and especially Antioch, Gilmer, where Michael Pool is the pastor, who support us a lot.


Chris Driver– West Texas Multiplication Network/Texas Missionary Care 


Howdy from west Texas! WOW! WOW! WOW! What an amazing month we’ve had! It started with a wonderful time at our BMA West Texas Camp, staffed by Jason Prewitt, and the travel team from Daniel Springs Camp where two of our teens gave their lives to Christ. It ended with us hosting a mission team from O’Quinn, Pollok,  where we put on two one-day Vacation Bible Schools in two separate communities and a family fun night in a community hit hard by recent storms. We made many new contacts and officially emerged into our community, even being featured in the local newspaper. God blessed the efforts with 13 visitors this past Sunday. The O’Quinn mission team blessed our church more than they could ever know. It was such an amazing week that encouraged and lifted this planter’s heart and spirit. Church planting is awesome! As always, I can’t help but say thank you to the churches of the BMA of Texas for letting us be able to reach west Texas for Christ. We are so blessed!

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that God will provide a church van for us, provide open doors for the gospel in Levelland and its surrounding communities and help us to make connections at South Plains College.


Marvin Mirena– Mission Fully Restoring Hearts


This month has been a blessing. We are meeting in my house. It is a challenge, but every week we see the hand of God. We have 20 frequent people attending. The space is small, but we have managed to accommodate those who attend. We have to be very discreet since they do not allow this type of meeting in the apartments. We are already organizing the baptisms this month.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray for my wife, who has been ill, God’s continued guidance on this path of planting a church, our children, Ezekiel and Joshua, a house that will better serve us in holding meetings and my finances, as we need a car.


Haitao He– Free Salvation Bible Mission in Corpus Christi 


One member of our group plans to share her testimony in her workplace. The setting is that there is a time for people in the workplace to share their life experiences. The reason is another coworker just shared her bad experience about her previous church life and also she had not going to church for a few years. Then the member of our group had a burden to share her testimony about God’s grace in her life and she talked with us to have more peace and courage to tell her story. We are happily surprised and feel the Holy Spirit is working in people’s hearts to make them want to be a witness to God.

Prayer Needs:

Some of our group members are facing uncertainty about their jobs, please pray for God’s best arrangement for their future.


Brad Cauley– Cedar Park Mission


We are meeting many members of our new community and seeing leaders grow in their excitement and eagerness for God’s work through our church. We began meeting for church services in our home, sharing a meal, worshiping in the living room and walking through the Bible together before praying and being released on mission for the week. One Sunday, an unbeliever joined us and was caught up in the depths and beauty of God’s Word as we walked through Cain and Abel as they represent “works” and “faith.” She was really wrestling with this concept, and since English was her second language, we got to hear her brother explain things to her in her first language. It was beautiful to know the same truth we had just been moved by ourselves was now being explained in her language by a church member who was now practicing explaining the beautiful depths of the Bible to other people in other languages! May God continue to let the beauty and power of His gospel of grace be proclaimed by our people and savored by all who believe and receive it.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that our leaders will continue to grow and that more people to be hungry to live lives completely given to Christ and His purposes.


Aderemi Badru-

Light House Mission in Houston 


Praise God we are making progress in empowering leaders as we eagerly look forward to our launch. We are praying that God will raise help and resources for us to be able to rent a new space for worship for the church which can enable us to have a proper children’s church. The hotel we are using is not convenient for us and the place we found requires us to pay for at least one year. We are grateful for the BMA churches and are trusting that we will be supported in moving into a new space for our church plant.

In addition, I am preparing to visit Nigeria in October both to visit family, do campus missions and strengthen new church plants in Nigeria. We are calling on churches to support the work we do in Nigeria, and support the upcoming outreach through giving. We need donations of shoes, clothing and other items that we can take to Nigeria on this mission. If anyone or any group is interested in joining this mission trip to Nigeria, you are welcome.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray for the upcoming mission trip to Nigeria and that God will send us help and resources to be able to rent a new space for the use of the church.



Kyle Cheatham– Grace Church Jarrell Mission  


God recently led two families into our process for church membership. While having gospel-clarifying conversations with each of them, one adult needed and chose to soon be baptized and all four adults are continuing forward and will be voted in, Lord willing, at our next Member Meeting!

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that God will give me clarity as I seek to finalize some discipleship that will help potential elders grow into readiness and some that will help disciples grow into disciple-makers.


Tim Alba– The Bridge Mission in Seagoville 


It has been really exciting this month so far. We had two big events this past weekend. Both a men’s event and a women’s event. Each event produced salvations and new families coming to our church. Our men’s event was bigger this time around. We took the men out to Tyler to shoot and fish with a message from God’s Word and barbecue. We made some amazing connections and saw men receive Jesus. We are continuing to walk the streets and are fervently sharing the Gospel with the lost. It has been amazing!

Prayer Needs:

Pray for me specifically that God continues to give me strength.
