A word from your Missions Office


On May 3-4  the BMA hosted the annual Hispanic Men’s Conference at Daniel Springs Camp.  This conference has been going on for years but I don’t believe it has ever been this well attended.  There were over 150 men from 23 churches at the conference.  Elvis Garcia did a wonderful job putting it on.  The theme this year was Men of Conviction.  

The BMA is blessed with men of conviction who are examples of meekness.  These men played soccer, cut up, and took prayer, worship, and the word very seriously.  I like our BMA family.


100 New Churches/10 years

  • That we see an aggressive multiplication movement of churches who make disciples, equip and release leaders, and start churches for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom Mission
  • That each new mission begin with a plan to begin three new churches in their first 10 years
  • That pastors and churches of the association be encouraged and equipped to start new churches
  • That we connect, evaluate, identify and train new prospective church planters


A word from your missionaries:

Israel Martinez– Redeemer Irving


Pray for our financial halts and stability we need help and the Lord to work miraculously.


Brad Holcomb– Redemption Hill Ft. Worth  


We are seeing more and more people evangelize to their neighbors. We are connecting with many neighborhood guests. In July we are hosting our first-ever Vacation Bible School. Our whole church is excited about the opportunities to bring the Gospel to our neighbors in this way. I would ask you all to pray for wisdom for our leadership and church regarding our ability and willingness to engage one another in hard conversations but to do so with love. We err on the side of non-confrontation and that can lead to underlying frustrations. We all desire and are committed to stepping into this space, but I do pray for wisdom.

Prayer Needs:

Family health (physical and spiritual), and that God would save these neighbors we’ve connected with recently.


Jose Gil – Proyecto Misionero “Lidia” 

We have been training church members as cell leaders. Brother Heith Mitchell, BMA executive director, joined us and preached during the certification of volunteers to lead discipleship cells.


Jaime Garcia– Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida Mission in Gilmer


This month we planned the Children’s Day activity with great enthusiasm. I am very happy about the involvement of all the brothers, and some young people, who prepared games and helped with food. It was very fun and with the participation of some brothers who I did not imagine would help me. God is working in your hearts.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray a lot for the group of young people, who will be raising funds by doing various activities to be able to travel to the SOAR in Dallas. They are very excited and I hope they make it.


Haitao He– Free Salvation Bible Mission in Corpus Christi 


This month we had a friend from a Hindu background. Before she came to the United States her mother made her promise not to eat any beef here. Now she is around several Christian friends and happily hangs out with them and even goes to their prayer meeting. Soon they will be talking about their belief, worldview, and purpose of life, etc. Christian life would be plain water and naturally flowing peacefully in a period of life until God sent someone to remind Christians that they had a great commission to fulfill. I love what happened with our group, it is a challenge to talk about faith and to do evangelical work and it is also a great opportunity for growing faith and skill.

Prayer Needs:

Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill our people to do evangelic work and be strengthened by this work.


Jaime Henriquez– Fuente De Vida Eterna Mission in Tomball


Here is the Source of Eternal Life Baptist Church, things are moving forward, with some challenges and struggles but the work continues. This month we welcomed a new brother into the faith, two completed their discipleship studies, and we had a total of 10 first-time visitors. We are glad to be part of the work of the Lord and the family of BMAT churches. Thank you for your prayers and financial support always.

Prayer Needs:

Please I ask for your prayers for my mother who is sick in El Salvador. She has lost sensation from the waist down and cannot walk.



Tim Alba– The Bridge Mission in Seagoville 


We had been a little slow these past months. I felt as if nothing was working as far as plans and events we tried pushing on our congregation. I felt that even the leadership was a bit apprehensive. Through much encouraging and faithfulness we saw an opportunity to reach a few people this month. We saw three salvation this month and I am overjoyed with whatever God does through our little church. We don’t have a big congregation nor do we have all the bells and whistles but I know that uses us for His glory every month. We are pushing forward no matter the cost or sacrifice. May we continue to strive forward.

Prayer Needs:

Please continue to pray for our church each month and for God to continue to give us wisdom in our leadership.


Kyle Cheatham– Grace Church Jarrell Mission  


In our sermon series through Acts, I asked our people to write down where God was at work around, in, and through them. I was blown away with the replies! Here are a few of the 40 we received: “God has allowed me to understand the Word more in depth.” “God is at work in my life through Grace Jarrell. He is restoring broken relationships, strengthening my walk to serve Him in all that I do for Him, and to introduce Him to others.” “God is giving me opportunities to organically counsel others, leading me through the Scriptures so I can get very familiar with locating verses and memorizing them along the way.” “God is revealing more sin in my life.” “God… you have given me a new life!”

Prayer Needs:

Please pray for us to continue to reach—and strategically follow-up with—the unchurched of Jarrell. Pray that I continue on a recent trajectory change toward better health and fitness. Thank you!


Peter Oyeniran – Planting in Mission Bend


We thank God for the gathering of members. This month we have a family of three worshiped with us and trusting God to establish them.

Prayer Needs:

Father, let there be a revival through the outpouring of Your Spirit.


Abner Nunez– Planting in San Antonio   



Isaias Martinez – Conroe Mission 


The status of the mission for the month is favorable. We receive a new family as members and leaders. The OIKOS continues working. We continue to disciple.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for us as we strive to have a place of our own.


Brad Cauley– Cedar Park Mission


We continue to see our people hungry to grow in the Lord and to reach others with the Gospel. One of our leaders has a group of young believers and unbelievers who study the Bible and fellowship for 3 hours on Tuesday evenings. While they were studying James 3, one of the men suddenly realized his language was an issue, saying, “Oh, I think I need to stop cussing.” During their time together, he caught himself three times and didn’t cuss. The men were able to laugh and celebrate his growth and desire to honor the Lord with his words. Discipleship is happening as people spend time in the Word together with people who love and respect them.

Thank you for praying for us. We hope to move into the community at the end of the month if closing goes well on the 24th.

Prayer Needs:

Please pray that the Lord blesses our house closing (planned for May 24th) and for favor in our community and for the Lord to bring our neighbors and community to Christ.


Chris Driver– West Texas Multiplication Network/Texas Missionary Care 


Howdy from West Texas! What a great month we had over here in the flatlands! It’s been windy and dirty but we are pushing through it and seeing God really moving in our church, especially in our men’s ministry. It’s no secret that my hearts greatest desire is to see God move in the hearts of men and to see those men begin to genuinely lead their families. And I feel like God is doing just that at Oasis! We keep seeing God bring and connect more and more men through our regular events like Saturday morning Men’s breakfast and guys night out. I can’t wait to see the fruit God will bear through these men in the months to come! Please pray for us as we press on! As always, thank you for all you do that makes it possible for us to be a part of what God’s doing out here in West Texas!!

Prayer Needs:

Church van

Upcoming mission team from O’Quinn BC

Leadership development

Connections at SPC and surrounding communities

Open doors for the gospel
