January 2023 Missions Update

A word from your missions office By HEITH MITCHELL In your Texas Missions, we began 2023 with a celebration. Crosswork Church in Tahoka completed their five years of support with Texas Missions.  This young church is at an exciting place.  They anticipate buying their...

March Missions Update

A word from your missions office By HEITH MITCHELL BMA Church Family, you are amazing. You really live up to your “Missionary” Baptist name. I am taken aback at how you love and encourage your missionaries and their families. You accept and take them in across any...

July Missions Update

A word from your missions office By HEITH MITCHELL It has been a big month in your BMA of Texas Missions movement! In June of 2016, BMA of Texas Missions Trustees approved two new mission works. The first two missions to walk out our new funding, training and...

March Missions Update

A word from your missions office By HEITH MITCHELL Jesus instructed us to, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus not only taught this truth but he modeled it perfectly. The people around Him didn’t always want to love their neighbors. They looked for a loophole....

February Missions Update

A word from your missions office By HEITH MITCHELL God still can and He still is! He has saved 24 souls through the efforts of your missionaries this month. He is still about His mission. Remember how He ended his instructions to his church in The Great Commission, “I...

November Missions Update

A word from your missions office By HEITH MITCHELL I really had an enjoyable and uplifting time at the BMA of Texas State Meeting. The Word was preached faithfully and the reports from our ministries were encouraging. The music was so uplifting. The Farley Street...